Monday, March 15, 2010

Yo peeps!

Hey! My Dad is working on something real cool for you!
He said that he's sorry he hasn't been posting so much lately. But, I know it's because he's been pretty busy.
Don't worry about anything, he'll be back with some cool news!
Ciao for now :-)


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Purple Rain, or Red, or Blue, or Green...

I stumbled across this while surfing the web the other day. How cool! It's called the Magic Shower Head. Talk about a mood adjustment!

Their website offers fixed and handheld versions in many colors. And, they have other versions that adjust the color according to the temperature. A great safety advantage for the kids...

Imagine turning off the lights in the bathroom, and bathing the room and yourself in color! I want one!!!

Click on the above photo to visit their website.

